Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Spanish to Go...¡Recepción a mi nueva familia!

contributed by HeyKiki member: Kat

Most people, when they get engaged, only have to worry about the wedding. I had to learn Spanish. My fiance's family is from Toledo, Spain, and I wanted to make a great impression on my wedding day when I met his aunts and uncles and grandparents. All this in between figuring out what color the napkins should be and if any of our guests have shellfish allergies. I was having serious panic attacks and all the Spanish I could remember seemed to be "Dios mio!" Then I found this great teacher in my neighborhood...3 blocks away. Not only does she teach Spanish...she only teaches 4 students at a time, max. Sometimes it's just me!!! I might not be able to speak fluent Spanish by the wedding, but I'll definitely know enough to welcome my future in-laws and let them know how excited I am to meet them, and that's all I can ask for. ¡Recepción a mi nueva familia!

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