Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How is heykiki different ?

Yesterday, Sharib and Joe went to talk about at a tech event. There was genuine and an enthusiastic response to One of the questions we get is how is heykiki different from meetup. com. Well, i think my colleague described it quite well.... "Heykiki is meetup onredbull " Yes no denying that, we have passion, we have enery, we have a vision, we have ideas and we have a zest for life, very similar to what Kiki has. Yes we are on red bull twice over. But thats only part of the equation of heykiki. Why we are excited about heykiki is many many reasons - just 3 of them listed below
a) Hey Kiki connects you to wide variety of interests and hobbies for both instructors and buddies. It is Learn, Practice and Teach. It is broad.
b) Hey Kiki allows for personal connections. It allows and favors one on one connections.
c) Hey Kiki is flexible. You pick the activity. You pick your location. You pick your time. It is not about scheduling and attending an event organized by someone else. You are the boss.
Visit and give us your opinions. Post comments. We love your feedback. We are young. Help us grow.

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